Rambler's Top100


«Spas» community

"Spas" community is voluntary fellowship revolving around the idea of service. Nurturing and helping the neighbour have been the sense and the essence of community's activity for almost 20 years. Modern civilization despite all its material comforts and technology gain generated chronical social diseases: juvenile homelessness and deliquency, drug addiction, alcoholism and other forms of dependencies, socially dangerous behaviour forms due to general criminalization, society atomization and loss of the meaning of life. Spirit of mercy is leaving our society, modern man is getting more and more lonely. "Spas" community members are aware of these problems and seek solutions together. Year by year number of allies rises because it takes dozens of healthy people united to help one ill in need. Due to common attempts the community restored part of historical manor of Buturliny family (18 century) where "Spas" Community Centre is located. Its activity targets preventing drug consumption among children and youth as well as social rehab of drug addicts and alcoholics. There is a library at our centre, classes of folk culture and crafts school, medical centre. 30 addicts are on rehab and are living at the Centre, around 100 persons (mostly children and youth) attend different classes promoting healthy lifestyle. Our Centre's activity reaches to 1000 persons a year - impressive number for a small territorium community! Rehab and all the classes are free and this is not just charity but a rule of life: to help the one in need and to support the weak! Modern "Spas" community is not monoethnical but multinational fellowship despite it was established and developed by cossacs. Cossacs have always been defending their Motherland just like today they protect children and their parents from drug addiction and criminality. Being orthodox the community is open to other religious denominations because common problems should unite people, not divide them. Doors of "Spas" community are always open for those in hardship as well as for people being ready to help. At the present moment the community is facing hard but important task – construction of a new two-storeyed building within Centre's territory as the old one is overoccupied by now. Great tasks require great help, that is why we appeal to everybody: we need help! Your contribution will be the contribution to our common cause.

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